Saturday, January 17, 2009

Ginger As A Remedy And A Spice

Hi, today i read an article about a ginger as a remedy and a spice... As we all know we use ginger for cook to make it more taste... but then did we realise that this ginger actually helps us to warm the body, promote good digestion and keep the blood clot free.
Yeah....its sound interesting rite...lets cum i want share with you all about the article that i have read...
An experiments confirm that substances in ginger help expand the blood vessels, thus improving circulation. All types of ginger are believed to be beneficial, including the fresh root, preserved or crystallized ginger, and the powdered spice.Ginger is a proven remedy for nausea.Ginger also can reduce pregnancy sickness.
Here are some tips that we can apply when we are in sick..If you feel a cold coming on, try drinking a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, with honey, in hot water.
ok tats all 4 2day....

Ginger As A Remedy And A Spice

Hi, today i read an article about a ginger as a remedy and a spice... As we all know we use ginger for cook to make it more taste... but then did we realise that this ginger actually helps us to warm the body, promote good digestion and keep the blood clot free.
Yeah....its sound interesting rite...lets cum i want share with you all about the article that i have read...
An experiments confirm that substances in ginger help expand the blood vessels, thus improving circulation. All types of ginger are believed to be beneficial, including the fresh root, preserved or crystallized ginger, and the powdered spice.Ginger is a proven remedy for nausea.Ginger also can reduce pregnancy sickness.
Here are some tips that we can apply when we are in sick..If you feel a cold coming on, try drinking a teaspoon of fresh grated ginger, with honey, in hot water.
ok tats all 4 2day....

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

7 things you can do now to keep your brain sharp in old age

Research shows that your lifestyle could affect your risk of contracting diseases such as Alzheimer’s.

1. Drink alcohol in moderation
2. Eat apples - fresh apples which may fight the damage done by free radicals to

brain cells.
3. Eat broccoli
4. Eat oily fish - build up of blood plaques that are a hallmark of the disease.
5. Eat less
6. Try exercise
7. look after your ticker

Photo Alamy (RDhealth)
Cut Fruit

Can I peel or chop up fruit ahead of time or will it lose nutrients?

Keeping your cut fruit chilled is the key to keeping vitamin C levels high, according to a recent study. Food scientist from the University of California took pineapples, mangoes, watermelon, rockmelon, strawberries, and kiwifruit and divided them in half. They cut up half the fruit and left the other half whole. Both lots were refrigerated for nine days and were then tested for nutritional content. Compared to the whole fruit, the cut fruit revealed only small loses of antioxidant compounds.

Scientist from University of California

Hi…. I found out another information regarding pets also.. Since I love having my own pets, so I try to found out as much as article about the pets. Here are some things that we eat can be harmful to pets so refrain from giving these as treats.

First of all, don’t give chocolates to cats and dogs. This is because chocolate is toxic to them. Coffee, alcohol and wild mushroom are also bad for pets.

Then, for those who having birds, don’t ever give your pets dairy product or salty foods such as chips, which can cause seizures.

Don’t add onions or anything flavoured to your pet’s home cooked meals. Its because, onions can cause haemolytic anaemia, a condition in which red blood cells are destroyed.

And for last, don’t feed cats raw egg white. A chemical in it neutralizes the vitamin biotin, which is essential for good health.

Hi friends, do you have pet?

Does your pet need a massage?

I’m very sure that we all don’t want our pets on medication for long periods of time. Below are some popular alternatives therapies that I found in a reader digest pets section on how to take care of our pets.

- This type of massage uses a combination of specific touches to calm hyperactive or nervous pets.

- The ancient therapy could ease animal’s arthritis pain

- Chondroitin may relieve your pet’s joint pain, while calcium keeps bones and teeth strong.

Bach flower essences

- The liquid formulas can help calm pets, with behavior problems.

Expands your child’s vocabulary.

To encourage your child’s language development, parents need to stay quite and let their child initiate conversation, according to a recent study from the University of Sydney.

Here some easy tips to be follow by parents.

Use picture books with interesting storylines and about
two lines per page.

When opening the page, don’t rush into reading. Pause first, let your child look at the page and let them talk first.

Encourage their chosen topic with open-ended questions like “why” and “how” that requires more than just one word answer.